Saturday, January 12, 2008

Psalm 12: Where is the faithful man?

No matter what generation we are in, faithful men are few and far between. This psalm reminds me of a lot of scriptures throughout biblical history. If you recall the days of Noah, the Lord sends a flood because all of their thoughts were only continuously evil. Sodom was perhaps worse. We are all very familiar with the ups and downs of the Israelites which this psalm was written in the mist of and begins with "Save, O Lord, for the godly one is gone; for the faithful have vanished from among the children of man." Romans reminds us of how the Lord deals with a generation who suppress the truth, do not honor God, exchange God's glory for other things, and engage themselves in dishonorable sexual acts. When thinking of our generation I don't even know where to begin. WHERE IS THE FAITHFUL MAN?!!!

In case you are wondering, my goal with this psalm is to paint a very bad picture of the history of the human race so it would "lead us to the rock that is higher than we are." So when we think of mankind as a whole we should think of the word unfaithful. when we think of Jesus Christ, the word faithful should come to mind. Our sinfulness leads us understand that we need a Savior.

Ok as I read this psalm, Proverbs 6:16-19 also came to my mind. I encourage you to read this list with Psalm 12 open and if you do you will find that they are very similar.

16 There are six things the LORD hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

Wow the Lord must have really hated the wickedness of David's day. Listen to how the wicked act. They lie with flattering lips and hidden motives. They boast,

and let me just pause to talk about boasting in general and then in this specific case. All boasting is evil before God because when you boast you are saying that you possess something that you did not receive directly from God. Humility is just to opposite. It is to understand that everything you have is from the Lord. He is the supplier and we are the dependent receiver. In specific, there obviously were some wicked men who thought that they did not need God. They would say with their lips, "Who is master over us?" They seem to have been rich (vs. 5) not suprisingly. Vileness is exalted among them, not faithfulness. And then there is King David. Faithfulness comes to your mind when you think of him right? Not really. actually unfaithfulness should come to your mind. So what is the difference between David and these men? David desires the higher rock and understands that salvation can only come from the hand of God. How does David know this? How do we know this? We know this simply because GOD SAID HE WOULD! God is not a man that he should lie. In fact, "the words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground seven times purified." In verse 5 the Lord says, "I will now arise and place him in the safety in which he longs."

The word of the Lord, unlike the lies of wicked man, are something to be trusted. So when God offers salvation to all those who place our trust in His Son, namely that of forgivness of sin and eternal life, we should believe it. David did and so should we. God's words are pure truth and can be trusted. Remember God's promises today. Let your hearts be filled with thankfulness.

I love you all. God bless.

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