Friday, January 11, 2008

Psalm 11: Are We to be Road Runners???

Possibly my favorite cartoon growing up was Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner. The Road Runner always did what he did best...RUN! Aaaaand the Coyote always did what he did worst...try to catch the Road Runner with some outlandish plan with the help of some Acme device (although he did finally catch the Road Runner in an episode...seen here In some ways, it must be nice to be the Road Runner. He's just fast enough, just clever enough, just lucky enough to never wind up duped by his counterpart. As a Christian, I sometimes feel like if I was just a little bit faster, smarter, wiser, luckier, I would be able to avoid being trapped by the besetting sins that seem to constantly attack me.

In Psalm 11, David seemingly receives the advice from a friend to run like a bird to the mountain. The enemy is too strong, too fast, too powerful. David's told his only hope is to flee to the mountain, which presumably refers to Jerusalem. His only hope is that he'll be able to outrun his enemies and hopefully find protection behind the walls of the city.

David responds to this "friendly" advice with the full affirmation that the Lord is his refuge. David does not turn his back upon the Lord and attempt to find his own refuge in the mountain. David proclaims confidence in his Lord. Though the wicked bend their bow in the darkness of night, the Lord's eyes are beholding the entire situation in perfect clarity. The Lord is on His throne in His holy temple. The wicked are not ruling this world. The wicked want to shoot arrows upon the righteous. However, the Lord will rain down upon them fire and brimstone.

David refuses to take the advice to flee like a bird, because he trusts the Lord. First, David trusts that the Lord is sovereign. He is in heaven. He is ruling. He sees everything that is going on, and He will respond! Second, David trusts that the Lord is righteous. David appeals to the Lord's righteousness here because it would be an unrighteous action of the Lord to turn His back upon those who trust in Him. So by crying out that the Lord is righteous, David is crying out that the Lord protect all those who find their refuge in Him.

For us today, we need to recognize the false advice to become "Road Runners" in our Christian life. Many times, our supposed friends will give us advice to get out of the difficult situation we face. Oprah is going to tell you to rely upon the power source from within. Addictions are going to tell you that you can sooth your hurt with just one more taste. Colleges are going to tell you that your education is going to result in a great job which will get you plenty of money so that you can be comfortable and safe. However, all of these options truly do not provide for our greatest need. The only refuge that we have is in the Lord, who is in heaven! When the enemy of this world comes at us, we must not flee to our "safe" zones and the places of refuge we have created for ourselves. We must trust in our sovereign, righteous Lord to protect us and guide us.

Oh that we too might proclaim with David, "The Lord loves the righteous, the righteous will behold His face!"

Grace and Peace,
John Michael

1 comment:

B.B.Y.A.M. said...

Good post, John Michael. Psalm 11 is one of my favorites. I love the NIV's "shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart" (v. 2). I still remember the impact that verse 5 had on me about 8 years ago when I first really digested it: "But the wicked and those who love violence, His soul hates." Outside of having a pure minded wife and Philippians 4:8, that line has influenced my entertainment choices more than anything.
