Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Psalm 1: Oh to Be Known!

I've been trying to flesh out the three aspects of verse 1 that affect a man being blessed. The first time I read the passage this morning, I just flew by these phrases, nodding my head, but not actually thinking about what they say. What does it mean not to walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers? Trying to apply this to my life, I've been asking myself questions such as, "When my thinking is shaped by this culture am I walking in the counsel of the wicked?" To be a little more direct, the movies and the tv shows I watch and the stores at the mall that I shop at all tell me this is what I'm supposed to be entertained by and this is what I'm supposed to look like. Have I unknowingly just accepted what this culture says is normal and expected or do I make every effort to allow the Bible to shape my understanding of entertainment and image?

The second thing that really caught me in this Psalm was the word "delight" in verse 2. I am delighted at Christmas dinner. I am delighted at winning a game. I am delighted at seeing my family. But am I truly delighted in God's Word like the psalmist describes this blessed man to be. The man who delights in God's Word is like a firmly planted tree that doesn't wither away and produces good fruit. Notice the contrast of the wicked in verse 4. The wicked are chaff. This is the question this Psalm presents to us today, "Am I becoming a firmly planted tree or am I merely chaff in the wind?"

Next, check out verse 6. The psalmist writes, "For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the wicked will perish." The key word for understanding the verse is the "but" in the middle. That tells us these two phrases are being contrasted with each other. Thus, when the psalmist says the Lord knows the way of the righteous, its comparable to saying the way of the righteous will not perish! The Lord's knowing the way of the righteous is what keeps them from perishing. Why is any of this important to us? Those who strive after righteousness are known by God and those who are known by God will not perish but live!!!

One last thing for you all to think about. Whom does this psalm actually portray? This psalm is a portrayal of Jesus! Go back and read the Psalm one more time and think about how Jesus is the fulfillment of each of these verses.

I'm praying for yall today. I hope you have a great new years day.

Grace and Peace,
John Michael

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