Sunday, January 6, 2008

Psalm 6: A God Who Disciplines

Greetings to all of you psalm readers and a special thanks to Glenn who showed me how to log in like a child.

For all Christians God's wrath is something that we will never see because of the wonderful sacrifice on Christ's part to die for us. All of God's wrath was emptied upon Christ during the few hours he hung on the cross. Its difficult to imagine that, if we get right down to it, we are saved not just from the result of our sin in general but from God's wrath. At its core, the gospel is the good news that we are saved from God himself! Thankfully this wrath is something that believers will never experience because the Bible says that. Question....what if our Bible did not say that? I mean King David, when writing this psalm did not have Romans 3:25-26 to comfort him. Romans did not exist. All of this to say that when David speaks to God and pleads with him to not discipline him in his wrath, he means it. For all David knew, having God discipline him in his wrath was a viable option. To David, God really could unleash His wrath on him and be just in doing so. I wonder how any of us would react after sinning if God's wrath was really an option for us? I imagine we would cry just like David, "Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing!"

The point that I am making is this. I think it would be good for all of us to consider, just for a moment, God's wrath. Let it soak into you to the point where you are scared to sin and then remember Christ blood for you to the point where it causes you to praise him.

Reliving the gospel in our heads will only make us stronger and a lot more grateful.

God bless,

1 comment:

B.B.Y.A.M. said...

I love the line, "reliving the gospel in our heads." I will remember that phrase. Thanks, Matt.
