Saturday, February 16, 2008

Psalm 46: Security and Presence

"Be still, and know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10

The structure of Psalm 46 indicates its primary focus. The first verse says basically the same thing as the last verse of the psalm, verse 11, which is actually the refrain first quoted in verse 7. So three times in eleven verses the psalmist states his major premise: "Security is found in God’s presence."


With regard to God’s presence, verse 1 states that God is a "very present" companion to his people while verses 7 and 11 explain, "the LORD Almighty is with us."

Now, I want you to understand that the presence being described in these verses goes far beyond the mere fact of God’s omnipresence. This presence is a relational commitment to his people. The psalmist is not asserting that God is present in this way with all people. He is rather claiming something special between God and those who trust in him. Note the pronouns: "God is our . . . very present help in trouble " (v. 1). "The LORD of host is with us" (v. 7, 11) Particularly, the psalmist wants God’s people to know that God is determined to be there for them all the time.

All the time? Yes. "Though the earth should change, And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride" (v. 2-3), God is there for his people.


With regard to the notion of security, verse 1 speaks in terms of "refuge and strength" and "help in trouble." Verses 7 and 11 use the Hebrew word for "fortress" or "stronghold," or more explicitly "a secure height."

On this point, I want you to note the degree of security that is being described. Not only do these terms describe a place of complete confidence, but also the other imagery in Psalm 46 beautifully demonstrates the degree of security that God provides. In contrast to all the turmoil of the world described above, "there is a river whose streams make glad the city of God" (v. 4a). God’s security results in a perfect serenity for those who live in it. While "nations are in uproar" and "kingdoms fall," he merely "lifts his voice" and "the earth melts" (v. 6).


The reason that God’s presence equals security is that he himself is the only sure shelter from all adversaries. Do not miss God for his benefits! Notice how the attributes of security in this psalm are not merely derivatives of God but actually essential to God. The psalm does not merely state that God provides a refuge, strength, help, and a fortress. The psalm states that God is a refuge, strength, help, and a fortress. And to add to this emphasis, these verses also use God’s warfare name, "The LORD of Host." God is the source of security because omnipotence and faithfulness are integral parts of his personhood.


When the LORD of Host, the God of war, has committed to being there for someone, that someone should find in the very fact of God’s companionship total rest from anxiety. He has nothing left but to obey the command, "Be still, and know that I am God" (v. 10). Will you obey?

Worry has no place when worries have their place.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7

Soli deo gloria,

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