Anyway, on with the boredom... more stuff you have heard a million times before, yay! Aside from several repeats we have seen in the psalms already, I can think of another occasion where the same thing is repeated. Stumped? Perhaps the gospels ring a bell? “Now why would God need to repeat something to us?” you say. It is because we are too pathetically dense and stubborn to pick it up the first 50 times we hear it. This is a strong reason supporting daily involvement in reading God’s word as well. If we don’t continually renew our faith through giving of our time to God, we drift slowly away until the whirlpool of the world has pulled us in. Another reason is, to steal from a song, “Cause Lord if You showed me a thousand things brand new about You every day I still would never see the fullness of Your glory.” To think that we could even begin to grasp the fullness of God means that we really don’t know the fullness of God very well at all.
Now that you know that the Bible is redundant, and repeats itself many times in order to drive home a message that needs to be repeated in order for the person to receive what is being redundantly repeated, what exactly is being repeated in this psalm? I can see you all now rereading that line to understand what is being said. Anyway, this psalm is about putting our trust in God and making Him our fortress of solitude (or maybe it’s just fortress, idk). It seems to me like just about every other psalm makes reference to God as our fortress, strong tower, under the shadow of His wings, etc. We can trust God with our lives because He is in control. I know you know this already. The problem is putting this plan into action. I know because I have been there (and still am there basically). I get distracted from God and fall back into sinful habits.
So what is the cure for this lack of action and application? If only it were so simple. We must make it a priority in our life to choose the path of God. How can we get excited about the word like Glenn does? Our flesh desires to stop us from submitting to the will of God. Our flesh is like the enemies surrounding David in this psalm. Only the cries to God from a truly humbled heart can save us from the grasp that sin has upon us. There must come a point in your life in which the sin is just too much to bear, and your desire to end it must outweigh most any other aspect in your life. Change won’t happen automatically. Growth won’t happen automatically. I kind of feel like I am nearing that point, and God seems more real to me, and I just want to read His word more. This however occurs when I am not near to the word, and subsides when I finally have the opportunity. The best way I know to get passion for the word is to read it, and think about it for more than 5 seconds (no, not 6 either) and to just pray that God would give you that passion. These are the best ideas I have come up with so far.
My challenge to you all is to make a strong effort to read God’s word, to meditate on it for a bit, and pray about it daily this week. Once you get into it, you will be satisfied greatly. Do you ever yearn? If you don’t yearn (maybe you just crave), you will certainly yearn for more of the bread of Life after doing this. Of course I am exempt from this challenge, because I am far more superior in intellect than all of you combined. I think I will just pass on this one. How arrogant does that sound? Too me that seems pretty arrogant. Yet we so often think we don’t have time, we just can’t or even just plain old don’t want to. I have always hated those things that must be repeated all the time, like teeth brushing, shaving, deodorant, showers, etc. I just want to do them once and be done with it already. Sometimes I feel that way about God too, sadly. He is reduced to a chore, a nuisance that must be done, repeated about a million times over and still it must be repeated tomorrow. Let me just say there is very little gain in briskly reading God’s word. Sure you might occasionally pick up some random fact, or learn some story, but you miss the entire meaning behind it. It is like listening to a song, maybe even singing along, without ever thinking about what it means or even what the words are. The true power of a song lies in its words (Glenn might argue that one some). The true power of God lies within His words. My question is do you want the true power of God?
- Jinkies, that was a short post!